
Ljusterö is said to have gotten its name because the southernmost parts of the island resemble the fishing gear ljuster in shape. Skåvsjöholm’s local Ljusterö has a more rectangular design and is a trendy and creative boardroom with a living room feel. The 38 square meters are furnished with 10 comfortable armchairs around the board table and four comfortable extra seats in the form of huge poufs.
Maximum number of people
38 sq.m
  • Ceiling mounted projector
  • Air conditioning
  • Sound system
  • Wireless Internet
  • Whiteboard board
  • Flipchart
  • Conference pads & pens
Konferens utanför stockholm - Konferensrum Ljusterö

Conference room

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Up to10 people
Villa Skåvsjöholm
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Up to60 people
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